Kabin: Escape with Colin + Justin


Read our full digital issue

The summer issue is now available at participating locations across Cottage Country - in Haliburton, Kawartha and Muskoka

Cottage Country, in winter, is little short of magical. Cue roaring campfires, frozen lakes, clear skies and sub zero temperatures that tingle at every turn. Blimey, it all adds up to an experience like no other: one where dressing for the elements, and feeling invigorated by the tundra’s natural beauty, go hand in warmly gloved hand.

But wait: shoul dyou tire of the great outdoors, simply dash inside to cracking fires and cosseting atmosphere, in a world where friends and family father to celebrate good times. Take it from us (even it sounds like we’ve been overdosing on Hallmark movies and eggnog) we retain a wildly romantic outlook as far as winter is concerned. It’s fair to say we can’t wait for Mother Nature 2024/2025 to fully download. Did somebody say good times? (More in our full issue)

Colin + Justin

Amping up the fun factor